Our Board

ZGFA Holds monthly board meeting on the first Monday of the month at 6pm. Meetings are held at the Station 1 Event Center in the conference room.

 For general Information, comments, concerns, or inquiries, click on the following link to send an email to zgf.summerball@gmail.com . If you are looking to contact an individual board member, their preferred contact information is listed below. 

Robert Stephany

President/Clinics coordinator


Dennis Polly


Ken Leppla

Incoming Treasurer

Open Position

Vice President

Open position


Robert Jacobs

Travel/Fall ball director

Justin Kendle

Tournament director

Brian Cochran

Volunteer director/Clinic coordinator

Jessica Tucker

Coaching/Equipment coordinator

Jake Martinez

6U/8U House Director

Tracy Baron

Website Administrator

Kari Fladung

Fundraising/Apparel Coordinator

Ryan Cordes

Field/Umpire Coordinator

Monica Polly

Board Member at large

Kathi Sweeter

Board member at large

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