Summer Travel Leagues
10U - 18U
Spring/Summer Travel Softball is a competitive softball league hosted by Big West, which is part of MN Softball. Registration and tryouts are required.
Players will receive one uniform with registration. This will include 2 jerseys, 1 pant, 1 belt, and 1 pair socks. Additionally, players will provide their own: bat, batting helmet, glove, face mask, and cleats.
The Spring/Summer season generally runs from April to July. Travel teams will typically play in 3 tournaments per season, with the possibility to play additionally in State and Nationals.
For additional information, including nights of play - check out the Big West website.
IF your child wishes to play up an age level, they MUST try out for both age levels. This means TWO tryouts. They will exit tryouts and re-check in for the next age level they would like to play. This is still only one registration. Players allowed to play up will only be placed on an older team if the numbers allow and the tryout score at that age level is in line with players of that age. All teams are formed by tryout scores and approved by the Selection Comittee.
Waivers are not granted for parents who want to get out of and assocatioin for whatever reason.
7.04 OPEN DIVISIONS. 14U “A”, 16U “GOLD”, 16U “A”, 18U “GOLD”, and 18U “A” are the only “Open” divisions of play for girls’ fast pitch and will be allowed to play outside of their local community. Teams found in violation may be eliminated from league play and ineligible to participate in advancing and post season play. Players moving between associations for the purpose of playing “fall ball” or “dome ball” does not constitute a permanent release from the originating association.
A. Players that are age eligible to play 6U, 8U, 10U, or 12U are required to play for the community which they reside in. (for Clarification if the player goes to a differnt school they may play in that association)