8U Program

The 8U program is based on girls having fun and learning the fundamentals of Fastpitch softball. The season runs May into July and will be played on Wednesday nights, game times 6:30 pm . Practices are typically one day per week in addition to game nights.

Expect travel to games to local surrounding communities including but not limited to: Becker, Big Lake, Princeton, Monticello, Zimmerman and Waite Park.

Tournaments: 8U will participate in the Zimmerman Classic Tournament the first weekend in June. This will be a one day tournament for each age level. Coaches may choose one additional summer tournament. In addition, 8U will play in the state tournament the end of June. 

Equipment Needed: Glove, Helmet, Tennis shoes or cleats, and a softball bat.

Optional equipment : fielding mask (strongly recommended), Coaches will have catchers equipment. 

Registration includes uniform


Big West 8U rules For state tournament



  • Summer Only Games are played on Wednesday evenings. 
  • Fall Only Doubleheader games will be played on Saturday. Games start at 12:00PM, 1:30PM, 3:00PM, and 4:30PM.
  • Defense will have 9 players on the field. However, no penalty for playing with 8 players. Teams with 7 players can play however, 8th player in the line-up will be an out.
  • It is strongly encouraged to rotate players in to multiple positions during a game.
  • Each batter gets 3 swings or 5 pitches unless last pitch is a foul ball. The at bat will continue on a foul ball just as with all other age groups.
  • Bunting is not allowed.
  • The Infield Fly Rule will not be applied.
  • Runners will not be allowed to advance after a dropped third strike.
  • Stealing is not allowed.
  • Designated players (DP) will not be allowed.
  • Leading off is not allowed. Runners may not leave their base until ball contact with the bat.
  • The pitcher must stay in the pitcher's circle and behind or on the side of the coach until ball contacts the bat. For clarification, draw a line at the 35' mark across entire circle and use that line for the pitcher to stand behind. However, absolutely no movement can be made by the pitcher which places them in front of the pitching machine and or coach prior to pitch.
  • Prior to the pitch, the pitching coach must verbalize and check that the defense is in the ready position and ready for play to begin.
  • Outfielders must start the play standing on the grass at the edge of the infield. If the infield is cut for baseball create an arc 15 feet behind the bases and the outfielders must start behind that. They can't move until the bat has made contact with the ball.
  • Players and runners will stop when:
  • A ball that never leaves the infield: Once a fielder has control of the ball the runners should stop at the next base. This encourages the infielder to throw the ball to the appropriate base without the fear of runners advancing to the next base because of an overthrow.
  • Ball fielded on the dirt or the arc equals one (1) base per infield hit.
  • A ball hit to the outfield: If no outfielder has control of the ball the runners may continue to advance. Once the outfielder gains control of the ball and throws it toward the infield the runners will stop at the next base. Even if the ball doesn't make it to the "dirt" on the throw, the act of throwing the ball in is the attempt at making the correct play. Players must stop at the next base. Exception, the outfielder can carry the ball to the infield to make an out. The runners can keep advancing in this situation.
  • Teams will bat the roster.
  • Innings are complete after 3 outs or 5 runs.
  • Games must be a minimum of 3 innings, or 2 ½ innings if home team is ahead
  • Run ahead rule: 15 after 3, 12 after 4, 8 after 5

Coaches allowed on the field: 

  • The defense will have three (3) coaches. One (1) will run the pitching machine.
  • The offense will have three (3) coaches. Two (2) will be base coaches. One (1) will assist the catcher with returning balls to the pitching coach.
  • The coach assisting the catcher may comment to their batter but should make any comments short and quick in nature.
  • The point of the new offensive coach is to move the game along quickly.
  • The new offensive coach should wear a glove to protect against foul ball and stay to the back of the batter.
  • Coaches are part of the field and are in play and need to make every effort to stay out of the player’s way.
  • The coach feeding the pitching machine must keep a maximum of two (2) softballs in his/her possession, and not laying on the ground around the machine.
  • Coaches need to operate the game with the highest amount of integrity. At all times keep the kid’s best interest in mind.
  • Coaches are part of the field and are in play and need to make every effort to stay out of the player’s way.
  • The coach feeding the pitching machine must keep a maximum of two (2) softballs in his/her possession, and not laying on the ground around the machine.
  • Prior to the pitch, the pitching coach must verbalize and check that the defense is in the ready position and ready for play to begin.
  • Coaches need to operate the game with the highest amount of integrity. At all times keep the kid’s best interest in mind


Big Lake-Princeton- Waite Park

8U League

Rules and Regulations

2025 Summer Season


General Rules:

  1. This league is for the girls to learn the game of softball and have fun.
  2. All team members must get equal playing time.                              
  3. Each coach and parent is to be a good example for the players.                      
  4. No jewelry is allowed during games or practices, except earring starter sets                    may be left in but must be covered by tape or a band aid.                     
  5. Equipment:                                                              
  6. Players will wear a league t-shirt tucked in.                                        
  7. Players must wear tennis shoes or rubber cleats.                       
  8. Batters, base runners and on deck batter must wear helmets (chin                     straps must be tight to chin if worn) and full face masks at all times.
  9. Catchers must wear full gear (Helmet with mask, chest protector and shin pads).
  10. Only league approved aluminum softball bats allowed-ASA seal-         
  11. We will be using a 11 inch hard softball.                   
  12. Home team will provide a good game/back up ball.              
  13. Game start times are at 6:30 PM, Wednesdays                               
  14. Games will consist of 7 innings or 1 hour & 20 min, whichever is less.                 
  15. Any inning started must be finished (even if batting team cannot win).           
  16. There is to be no tie breakers.
  17. Communities are to create teams of equal/balanced abilities.



Game Rules:

  1. Games will be played with 10 players on the field-can play as low as six.
  2. Every player bats in a continuous order; if a player comes late they are to be placed at the end of the batting order. No one should hit twice until everyone has batted once.     
  3. A half inning ends at the earliest of 3 outs or when 5 runs have scored.               
  4. Bases are to be set at 60 feet.                                                   
  5. Pitching rubber is to be set at 35 feet.                                             
  6. Players can only play each position a maximum of three innings per night.
  7. Games will be machine pitched only using Louisville Slugger Blue pitching machine. Machine will be set to approximately 27 to 30 MPH and 35 feet from home plate. No switching setting between players. NO COACH PITCH (unless last two games of the season or see Rule Exception)         
  8. No stealing is allowed. Runner is to remain on base until ball and bat make contact (no leading off).                                                        
  9. Only batter and batter on deck should be swinging bats, and only inside fence. Batter on deck must be at the batter back.             
  10. Collision avoidance is mandatory! Sliding is recommended but not required. An umpire may call a girl out if she could have avoided a collision.
  11. There are no walks; the player will receive 4 quality pitches from the machine. The player can either strike out (after swinging at 3 pitches) or hit the ball into play. (4 pitches is not guaranteed if the player strikes out) If they hit a foul ball, they will continue hitting.
  12. Pitching: Coaches will discuss before the game on whether or not their team has a girl who would like to try pitching. This is to take place before the game, while the teams are warming up.                                             

Hitting Rules:

  1. Squaring up and bunting is not allowed.
  2. Batters cannot advance on a dropped third strike.
  3. Throwing of the bat results in a warning for the first offense and the next time it is an out. A bat is deemed thrown when the bat hits another player or if it flies eight feet or more.
  4. When the ball is under control in the infield, coaches must stop base runners from continuing to advance anymore bases.
  5. If no outfielder has control of the ball, runners may continue to advance. Once the outfielder gains control of the ball and throw it toward the infield the runners will stop at the next base. Even if the ball doesn’t make it to the “dirt” on the throw, the act of throwing the ball in is an attempt at making the correct play. Players must stop at the next base.


Fielding Rules:

1.   When a ball is overthrown, base runners can only advance one base.

2.   The infield fly rule does not apply, unless the fielder drops the ball on purpose.

3.   If a play is being made on a base runner, they are not allowed to continue running past the base in which the play was attempted.


Pitching (last two games of the season):

1.   Girls will get 4 pitches per batter (same rules apply-either they strike out or get a hit).

2.   We will go into coach pitch after 4 pitches, the coach will have a max of 3 pitches. If the batter doesn’t make contact with the ball in 3 pitches they are out.

a.        If there is a foul ball on the last pitch, the batter will get another pitch.


Rule Exception

  1. Coach identifies player(s) to the opposing team’s coach prior to the start of the game if the athlete hasn’t developed the skills needed to be successful hitting the ball.
  2. Max of 2 players per game.
  3. If the identified player(s) is unsuccessful their first at bat (the rules above apply to the first at bat). The remaining at bats the player can take 2 strikes from the pitching machine or coach pitch. On the 3rd strike a tee can be used.


The Rules and Regulations above shall govern. For all other rules of softball, ASA rules should be followed when possible, always keeping in mind they are 8U.

Each community will have their own practice schedule and times.

Try to be flexible on start times when road conditions or other traffic delays occur.

Coaches should contact opposing coach by 5:00 PM of game day whenever the game obviously cannot be played for whatever reason (field conditions, shortage of players, weather conditions, etc.). Coaches should then work together to get the game rescheduled with the home team field coordinator as soon as possible.

Last update 1/20/2025

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